Taster Virtual Styling

Our virtual style package is suitable for anyone who wants a taste of personal styling on a limited budget. After a consultation over e-mail, our chat function or phone call, our stylist will create a personalised guide for you with four edits explicitly curated to suit your needs along with links for you to make the purchases at the best available prices.  Alternatively, you could choose our “Pack and Send” option* and have the pieces picked out and delivered right to your doorstep. In the convenience of your home, you can try on the clothes we select and keep what you love.

Our taster virtual styling session includes:

  • A 30 minutes consultation.
  • A style guide with experts’ tips for dressing your shape.
  • 12 – 15 tailored pieces for your purchase with links to the items.
  • Four edits showing you how to put the pieces together to create your personal style.
  • 1 x e-mail follow up.


* Pack and Send Service Coming Soon.

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